New York Estonian School

We are located at the New York Estonian House

New York Estonian School takes place on every other Saturday. Its main purpose is to develop Estonian language skills and teach students Estonian culture. The curriculum includes reading in Estonian, improving vocabulary, grammar, learning about history, folk dance, singing, etc.

Joinus for our 90th Anniversary festivites on September 28th 12-5pm.

The principals of the NY Estonian School have been:

School Principals over the years:
Leo Ruumet  1950 -1961
Eduard Kärner 1961 - 1984
Tõnu Vanderer 1984 - 1989
Toomas Sõrra  1989 - 2005
Toomas Sõrra & Tiina Vaska 2002 - 2005
Karin Kärner   2005 - 2009
Virve Lane 2009 - 2010
Merike Barborak 2010 - 2018
Laura Viidebaum 2018 -2020
Merike Barbarok 2021 - 2024
Varje Snyder 2024 -

School statistics – students:
During the period 1952-1998  - 337 students have graduated NY Estonian School.
1952 – 85 students , 1959 – 126 students , 1962 – 112 students, 1964 – 110 students, 1968 – 90 students, 1971 – 81 students, 1981 – 61 students, 1988 – 33 students, 1990 – 47 students, 1999 – 37 students, 2005 - 40 students.

Estonian School Web:FAcebook page

Estonian School 2011

Estonian School Christmas

Want to see more photos ? View our Gallery!


School Principal: Varje Snyder


All contributions to the Estonian Educational Society is tax deductible.


New York Estonian School
243 East 34th Street New York,
NY 10016