
Summer Camp in Long Island
Asume Long Islandi Eesti Maja maaalal
We are located in the Long Island Estonian House

MeistAbout us

Lastelaager on tegutsenud üle 50 aasta kõikidel suvedel alates 1955 aastast. Suvekodu on olnud koht, kus eesti juurtega lapsed on saanud veeta mõned nädalad igal suvel värskes õhus, leida uusi sõpru ja õppida eesti kultuuri. Laager on tegutsenud peamiselt juuli kuus. 15 aakrisel maatükil asub Long Islandi Eesti Maja, mis on Suvekodu Laagri peamajaks. Samas on ka saun, bassein, korvpalli väljak ja kergejõustiku plats. Seal on ka 4 suvemaja, mis on seatud lastele magamise- ja puhkemajadeks.
Teretulnud on kõik lapsed alates 6-15 aastaseni. Lapsed on paigutatud vanuse järgi gruppidesse. Paljud üritused korraldatakse kõikidele koos, mõned üritused on mõeldud spetsiaalsetele vanuserühmadele. Laagri päevakavasse mahub kombineeritult kultuuri-, spordi- ja mänguaega. Palju ujumist ja lihtsalt olemist.

Long Island Estonian Childrens Camp in Middle Island, NY first opened over 50 years ago in 1955 and has done so most every summer since then.  Suvekodu is a place where children of Estonian heritage can go to spend a few weeks each summer enjoying the fresh air, make friendships and learn about their culture.  The camp generally runs during the month of July.  It is set on the grounds of the Long Island Estonian House which is a 15 acre site and has a pool, sauna, basketball courts and track.. There are 4 cabins which house the campers and staff and the kids. Children 6-15 are welcome and are grouped by age.  Some activities are done all together and others are age specific.  The camp’s daily schedule involves a combination of cultural activities (song or dance), art classes, sports, lots of swimming and just plain relaxation.  Most evenings featured night time activities such as a talent show, a dance and pool parties.   Instruction is in both Estonian and English. The camp operates under the auspices of the N.Y. Estonian Educational Society and is staffed entirely by volunteers.

teated latest news

2024 SUVI
2024 Suvekodu avatakse laupäeval, 6. juulil 2024
ja kestab kuni laupäevani, 20. juulini 2024.


Fees for camp 2024:

Child 1:   $600 each week - pärast 15. aprilli $650
Child 2:   $570 each week - pärast 15. aprilli $620
Child 3:   $540 each week - pärast 15. aprilli $590

Chores fee = $50
(if you can volunteer and help with clean-up and set-up for a minimum of 2 hours on registration day or prior to the start of camp, then you do not have to pay this).

Non NY Educational Society Member pay $60

Can't decide?  Don't hesitate to ask more information!

Kontakt Contact

Meiega saad kontakti võtta e-maili teel
Suvekodu juhivad:
Eva Ensmann

Aadress Address

Long Island Eesti Kodu:
20 Middle Island Blvd
Middle Island, NY 11953

Toeta meid Donate

Please send donations payable to "Estonian Children's Camp"
243 E 34th St, New York, NY 10016
Thank you!